Infrabotanica II


Artist Statement

"Infrabotanica" emerges as an exploration into the delicate interplay between nature's resilience and its inherent fragility. Emerging from my earlier series  ‘Infra Realism’, which unearthed the vibrant existence of plant life amidst the harsh desert terrain of Palm Springs, this project was driven by the curiosity to unravel the mysteries of botanical life. With the goal set to decipher whether flowers emit infrared light, I used a full spectrum camera and employed meticulous focus stacking techniques; each photograph within this series is an amalgamation of 100+ shots of flowers grown in my garden and shot under a artificial infrared light used for security cameras. The resulting flowers were emerging as porcelain sculptures so I replaced their blue background with an AI generated porcelain style background, inspired by my in-laws’ blue and white ceramics collection.