Infra Realism sits in the mysterious realm between reality and the surreal. Residing in a lucid dreamscape, it is familiar in form and yet subverts the familiar colour and scale we rely on to interpret the visions around us.
The infrared spectrum of light emanating from plants sits just beyond the light spectrum visible to humankind. Kate’s work, in that sense, straddles science and magic, providing a glimpse into the unknown, making the unseen, seen, and the seen unseen. Magic.
Her photos aim to candy coat California, from wild deserts, to pools, to the banal. It uses magical realism to re-enchant a place she has visited 8 times.
She is fascinated with unseen energy and is excited to create work that catches a glimpse of a world that exists just outside human perception. Like a memory you just can’t quite pinpoint. There is more out there.
The vibrations of the colours imitates the vibration of light and energy, also unseen. All is a fiction of light.